More Shower Hose...
Another thing I planned was to use shower hose and a fitting to screw into the back of the housing and hide the power cable...

I masked and marked up the rear of the top cover...

...and used a dremel with grinding stone attachments to grind away the 2mm thick steel.

My brand-new grinding stones looked rather the worse for wear after half an hour attacking the thick steel of the housing. It was only a little circle too!

Taking one of the threaded, severed ends of my leftover plastic hand-showers, I filed the base away until it was as thin as possible whilst still maintaining some strength, and inserted it through the hole I had made.

Checking the fit with a chrome nut and with the pump inside.

Things were starting to come together. I cut out a section of 3mm neoprene rubber and checked the fit with the base. More test fitting...

... and a rubber slab for the top of the pump. The hole was later widened further so as to be invisible once the cover is on. With cover mostly modded it was time to send it off for chroming and wait...
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